Family Law

If you’re in the process of separating from your significant other, we know how stressful the process can be. Each couple is different, and our team can help you navigate the system from start to finish.

Where do I start?

Firstly, get legal advice. Your lawyer will take you through all the areas that need to be considered and find out what you think is a fair approach. From property settlements, parenting arrangements, child support payments and spousal maintenance payments, there is a lot to consider. It’s important that you have a clear understanding of how the pieces fit together and how you can achieve the best outcome.


If you have children then you’ll want to know who they’ll live with, when they’ll spend time with the other parent, how everyone will be kept in the loop regarding important decisions, and smaller details like when you can take them on holidays. Each family is different and the outcome will depend upon your individual circumstances. Check out our children and parenting article for more information.

Family Law Property Settlements

Most divisions of assets following separation do not require you to go to Court. The best way to avoid the animosity, anxiety and expense that come with going to court is to reach agreement early about what should occur.

Child Support

Many families leave the assessment and collection of child support up to the Child Support Assessment Agency – but this may not always be the best approach. The Child Support Assessment Act allows separating couples to enter into a Binding Child Support Agreement to set their child support obligations now and in the future. See our Child Support article for more information.

We can help

Dealing with the complexities of separating is stressful and can have consequences which impact the rest of your life. Our team are experienced Family Law lawyers and provide you with smart strategies and clear advice for obtaining the best outcome with minimal costs and fuss. Contact us to discuss your particular situation.

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